A Little Insight to What I've Been Up To Lately!

Hi Yall!! 

Danika Watson NP-C here and its time I fill you in on all I’ve been doing here lately. It was such a busy Winter/Spring and I’m just starting to feel like I have my ducks in a row….maybe!!

In case you missed it on my stories on IG or FB we sent the last part of the winter early spring showing sheep with London. She exhibited at all the Major livestock shows here in Texas and did exceptionally well! We are stocking the barn to fire back up this summer. 

For anyone new here, I’m Danika Watson a Family Nurse Practitioner and the founder and CEO of Divine Care Now, a web-based telehealth business. Through Divine Care Now I am able to treat many things like sore throats, rashes, sinusitis, cold symptoms, etc.

I also offer a monthly subscription plan that allows me to coach you through your health needs. Now, don’t be confused. I do not treat with the subscription plan. You know, documentation and consents are different for each entity. This type of plan allows access to me after business hours to coach and support your health care needs. Many new parents or parents of infants benefit from this. 

The most recent package I have added is weight loss, HRT and Peptide treatment! This is a little more complex type of therapy and will require labs from the patient. You can also find my meal guides and planning here. If you are not familiar with these types of treatments, please read more here

As most of you know and are familiar with, I work in a rural area, Corsicana, Texas in our Pediatric office. Although I have a Family Nurse Practitioner Degree, pediatrics is my passion.  have been with Navarro Regional for FIVE and half years! It has been amazing and continues to bring me joy. I love serving our community by helping the future.  

We have endured recent changes within our provider group; however, endurance makes one stronger. We appreciate all the feedback and most importantly the patience you have shown throughout the last 6-8 months. 

While I will continue to serve at Navarro Regional I can also be found at Divinecarenow.com